Independent Pattern Designs

My new personal designs incorporate the 2025 trends of bright earthy colors to create a fresh and contemporary collection. Drawing inspiration from natural tones and organic elements, these patterns reflect a harmonious blend of sophistication and modernity. Utilizing rich, grounded hues, I aimed to capture the essence of serenity and elegance in each design.

In addition to these trends, I’ve created patterns using hand-drawn elements, including a playful pattern inspired by my cat, Noodle. This playful design, along with others, showcases my personal touch and creative approach to translating everyday inspirations into vibrant, dynamic patterns. This new work stands apart from my internship projects, highlighting my evolving artistic vision and dedication to staying ahead of design trends.

Seamless Repeat Patterns


An intricate pattern design

adds depth, character, and visual interest to a wall or an object, transforming it from ordinary to extraordinary with its detailed and captivating design.




Motion Graphics